Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sweet Pea, Grounded and Drawing! :)

So I have been going to Bath & Body Works an awful lot lately and I find myself buying the same scent over and over; Sweet Pea and Sweet Pea Forever!
I love this scent and the packaging is ah-dorable and girly! (Not to mention pink *wink, wink*) So far I only have five products in the collection and I am hoping to build up to all of the collection including the shower gel and the scented candle! *YUM!* I have a review and loot of the products on my main Youtube channel and you can watch the video below!

...also, I have some very sad news! :( I AM GROUNDED! Which means no posting on my blogs, no posting on Youtube, and more importantly, NO LAPTOP! I am lucky I am typing this entry right now as I am at a family friend's house and my mom let me use our friends laptop while my mom and sister are in the pool! I will get un-grounded as soon as possible but for now, I will type up as many entries as I can to keep you entertained in the mean time!

I have starting drawing again! I'm not very good at it but it passes the time and is very therapeutic. When I am once again un-grounded, I will post a video on Youtube and show the pictures on there!

Well, that's all for now, I hope you forgive my brattiness in a result of being grounded!
Speak soon, Dani

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